Our consultancy approach
All of our programs are being designed together with our clients based on their goals, frameworks and specific circumstances.
Our basic approach is that of process consultants. This means that we work with our clients to design and implement the optimal process for their changes and desired developments. In the doing itself, we act as advisors, consultants, input providers, moderators and coaches.
Clarification phase: In this phase, we strive to understand the client’s situation, goals and ambitions to the best of our ability.
Conception: Based on the findings of the clarification phase, we design a plan and refine it together with the client. No matter whether it is a one-time High Impact Workshop or a longer-term Change Project.
Execution: Goals and plan give us the direction. At the same time, we remain open, adaptive and agile in order to optimally meet the circumstances that arise “on the go”. Nevertheless, we always keep the intended goals, changes and improvements in our focus. Above all, it is about sustainable effective results. Of course, we are also in continuous exchange with the client during this phase.
Coaching: As part of longer-term change programs, we become active sparring partners for C-level managers. For managers at the upper and middle management levels we offer strengthening coaching sessions on an individual basis.